Thursday, January 16, 2014

NPR Barred Owls vs. Spotted Owls

All Things Considered Covers Owl Shootings

Posted By on Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 5:07 PM

click to enlarge cover4.jpg
Photo by Zach St. George

Remember "Shooting Owls," Zach St. George's award-winning story detailing the spotted owls vs. barred owls dilemma? Killing owls to save owls?

NPR covered similar ground today on All Things Considered:

In desperation to save the rare northern spotted owl, biologists are doing something that goes against their core — shooting another owl that's rapidly taking over spotted owl territory across the northwest.

New to the story, advocacy group Friends of Animals is suing to stop the killing. Read or listen to the whole thing here.

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Jennifer Savage

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