Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The MLPA Protest

Posted By on Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 7:20 PM

Oddly, the protest outside the Red Lion Inn today -- fishermen objecting to Northern California's implementation of the Marine Life Protection Ac t -- resembled nothing so much as the protest outside the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's hearings at the same venue three years ago . Stranger still, today's protest happened on the same day that an agreement on the removal of the Klamath hydropower dams was announced. Many of the people at today's action, which was occassioned by a workshop on the MLPA implementation being held inside the hotel today and tomorrow, were also at the last one.

Please excuse the ridiculously shoddy camerwork -- I'm still getting used to this particular device -- but here's Vivian Helliwell talking to Ryan Burns and I about why fishermen were out to protest Marine Protected Areas:

And here's Dennis Mayo rallying the troops:

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