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Vote for Schools 


As a retired teacher who understands the significant role of public schools, I wish to commend the Journal and Heidi Walters for her article comparing Propositions 30 and 38 ("Propping up Schools," Oct. 4). Not only did Ms. Walters do a good job of describing how each would assist schools in improving their drastic financial situations and the restrictions of each proposal; she made clear what the impact of the deferral of payments to the schools has been and how dire the conditions of our schools will be were neither proposition to pass.

Another point that may be obvious but needs to be stated and stressed is that each cut to school staff also increased the unemployment in our area. That had a negative impact on the economic status of our county businesses, families and children.

The summary chart of ballot recommendations for the propositions was clear and informative. It is interesting that all but three of the organizations (the Libertarian Party, the Republican Party and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association) made positive recommendations for Prop. 30.

Readers should know that both associations of retired teachers in California (California Retired Teachers Association and the California Teachers Association, Retired) do enthusiastically support and recommend Prop. 30 as a strong proposition that would improve the outlook for California schools. It would end the state's deferral of funds that rightfully were to be spent on our schools. We know that our schools, our children and our future depend on improving the funding situation for public education in California without further delay. CalRTA also recognizes that there is merit in Prop. 38, because any increase of funding would be better than none at all.

Diana Berliner, Eureka

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