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Ranger Doubt 


While I enjoyed the detailed report that Thadeus Greenson presented in "The Last Days of the Budget Motel," (Sept. 29) it contained an error so obvious that it should have been easily discernible. Robert Hager is quoted as having a wife who "was a U.S. Army Ranger." Since the first woman to complete the U.S. Army Ranger course and be authorized to wear that coveted "Ranger" tab did it in 2015, and the photo alleging to show Kathleen Hager represents a much older woman who could not possibly have aged so much in a year, I am afraid that Mr. Hager is playing fast and loose with the truth.

He may, in fact, have served in an artillery unit and been (hopefully) honorably discharged. If so, then he can certainly share the outrage that those of us who served feel when we encounter those who either falsify their service or their records. Serving your country, no matter what your military occupational specialty or time period was, is honor enough.

Lew Buckner, Eureka


I read with interest "The Last Days of the Budget Motel" by Thadeus Greenson. I am writing because I feel as if there is an inaccuracy in the reporting. In the story, Robert Hager is quoted as saying that his wife was "a U.S. Army Ranger." That is surprising to me. If she served in the same era as Mr. Hager (mid-1970s) then she would most likely have served in the Women's Army Corps. The Rangers was an all-male infantry unit.

Even after the integration of the WAC with the rest of the Army, as far as I know, women had not completed Ranger school until 2015 and earned a tab. I have served with female soldiers and believe that they play a vital role in the Armed Services, but I do not think that the Hagers' story is true. I may be wrong but I don't think so.

Carlos Ramirez-Quintero, Eureka

Editor's note: Attempts to contact Robert and Kathleen Hager to clarify her veteran status were unsuccessful by deadline as the phone number the Journal had for the couple is no longer in service.

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