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Demand for an EIR 


Humboldt County appears hell bent on approving massive projects like the mega cannabis grows and the (proposed) fish factory. In every case, citizens and environmental groups have been clamoring for environmental impact reports (EIRs). So why is it that the county is so reluctant and unresponsive to the concerns of its constituents in demanding EIRs for major projects? Indeed, how can our reps (supervisors) claim to represent us when they choose to overlook the overwhelming consensus and demand for an EIR? 

Our communities are faced with significant impacts from these mega projects in the aggregate, from drought to accelerating climate change (wildfires, etc.). Yet, no study has been done to ascertain the cumulative impacts in the aggregate from all these projects put together. An EIR would require that such a study be undertaken. 

Under CEQA, an EIR requires a study of all projects combined (in the aggregate) on our precious resources. Why wouldn't our reps want to have this information before making decisions on major projects if they are truly looking out for our interests? I really don't get their reluctance. 

And what does it say when a major corporation (Nordic Aquafarms), which has agreed to an EIR, is more responsive to constituents than our elected representatives? Sadly, nothing could be more ironic.

Lisa Pelletier, Arcata

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