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'Access Barriers' 


It's almost fair time ("Supes Pony Up $1 Million in Effort to Save Horse Racing at the Fair," July 6)! There are dozens of ADA access barriers that the fair board has neglected to take care of. The paved parking area at the front entrance of the Humboldt County Fairgrounds has "HCFA Director Parking" spaces reserved. This has been the case for years, along with reserved areas for the VIPs, and a small section set aside for handicap parking. The overflow handicap parking gets pushed out into the rough grassy area along Fifth Street. I have personally watched people with disabilities struggle with canes, walkers and wheelchairs while many of the director and VIP spaces sat empty. The fair is known to have dozens of ADA compliance issues. If the paved area is reserved for handicap parking it will easily resolve one of these issues. Can't those of us who are able-bodied give up the paved area to people that truly need it?

Paulina Petersen, Ferndale

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