Wildfires remain active throughout Northern California and Oregon. The fires with the potential to impact our area (depending on conditions) continue to be the Klondike/Taylor and Natchez Fire (Del Norte & Southern Oregon), Carr and Hirz Fire (Shasta/Eastern Trinity County), and the Mendocino Complex (Lake/Mendocino County).
Humboldt & Del Norte County
Inland Humboldt and Del Norte County will continue to see smoke impacts in the drainages. The return of high pressure and hot temperatures will increase fire activity and decrease smoke dispersion in drainages close to the fires. Smoke from the Mendocino Complex is expected to come northward into the inland drainages of Humboldt and Trinity County. Smoke originating from wildfires in Canada also continues to slowly move down along the coast.
• Orleans can expect “Moderate” to “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups”, with periods of “Unhealthy”.
• Hoopa and Willow Creek should see some improvement of “Good” to “Moderate”, with periods of “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” through Friday.
• Air quality along the coast is expected to be “Good” to “Moderate” through Friday. The forecast for Northeast winds this weekend may result in occasional periods of “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” along the coast.
• The monitor in Garberville continues to indicate “Good” to “Moderate” conditions as the smoke seems to be staying more to the East.
Trinity County
Continued burn out activity on the Carr and Hirz fires will increase smoke production. Weak inversions in the valleys and drainages will keep smoke levels elevated. Light southerly winds through Friday and the arrival of northerly winds over the weekend will bring limited relief. An Air Quality Advisory for “Unhealthy” conditions has been issued today (8/16) for Weaverville, Lewiston, and Trinity Center.