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Zombie Apocalypse 

Be prepared, and you just might make it


Philip Anderson didn't look too far gone. Blood was dripping from his mouth, his shirtsleeve was torn, he was pale and his eyes were slightly sunken. But his demeanor was positively chipper.

Anderson was happily teaching the living how to survive the zombie apocalypse. This was back in October during the Zombie Invasion of Bayshore Mall, but what Anderson knows as a Red Cross preparedness coordinator could come in really handy now, what with the end of the world and all.

"The zombie invasion is like every other major disaster," he said. The basic message, boiled down by Zombie Phil, was borrowed from the Boy Scouts: "Be prepared."

Say for example, "You can't get to the grocery store because there's zombies in the way." You'll need to have some food on hand. "And if you're bitten by a zombie, what are you going to do? Do you have a first aid kit?"

The Red Cross suggests getting food and first aid supplies ready in a "go kit" that you can pick up and run with. Think about including water, a flashlight, batteries, family contact information, and more.

"And how are you going to escape your house if zombies are inside? You need to know the escape routes," Anderson said.

The overall message: Yes, you can make it past the end of the world -- or other less spectacular disasters like earthquakes or tsunamis.

The well-prepared Armageddon survivor will need a "go kit" for life on the run, plus basic supplies for hunkering down at home in case that looks like a better way to keep on breathing. The Red Cross recommends getting ready with:

Water: one gallon per person, per day (plan for three days of evacuation or two weeks at home without help)

Food: Non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items for three days to two weeks



First aid kit

Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (ideally a NOAA Weather Radio)

Cell phone with chargers

Multi-purpose tool

Toothbrush (and other sanitation and personal hygiene items)

Medications (7-day supply) and other medical needs

Copies of personal documents (passports, birth certificates, proof of address, deed/lease to home, insurance policies, medications list and medical info)

Family and emergency contact information

Emergency blanket



Personalized supplies: Baby bottles, diapers, leashes, pet dishes, etc.

Extras: Matches, rain gear, towels, work gloves, tools/supplies for securing your home, extra clothing, hat and sturdy shoes, plastic sheeting, duct tape, scissors, bleach, blankets or sleeping bags, whistle, N95 or surgical masks and a long, sharp blade for severing zombie brain from zombie spine -- the only known way to "neutralize" one.


While you've still got time, check out more world's end preparedness advice at

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Bob Doran

Bob Doran

Freelance photographer and writer, Arts and Entertainment editor from 1997 to 2013.

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