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Pick Clendenen 


Thank you for the informative and timely article about the upcoming election for the county supervisors ("District Soup," May 10). After reading it, we wanted to share our view.
We have known Clif for over 30 years, in many roles --  as a devoted family man, a successful business owner in a fluctuating economy, a concerned and involved community member committed to the welfare of Humboldt County, and, now, as a hard-working and dedicated supervisor for the 2nd District.
In the role of supervisor, Clif has demonstrated the qualities that one expects of a truly trustworthy person. He is honorable and dependable --  when he gives his word, he keeps it. He is respectful of others, regardless of their sometimes differing opinions and values. He is very generous with his time in helping support activities that benefit the health of our community, often working long, long hours to do so. He focuses on finding informed, reasonable and sustainable solutions to the tangled problems that face our county.
Clif has brought a constellation of rare qualities to his role of supervisor that are deeply needed in the times we are living in.
We encourage your readers to become informed about the excellent work that Clif has done on our shared behalf, and to vote for him for supervisor.

David and Susan Hagemann, Rio Dell



I am writing to express my support for the reelection of Clif Clendenen as Humboldt county supervisor. As leader of a diverse district, Clif has demonstrated  inclusiveness, collaboration and hard work. He has been successfully engaged in maintaining a healthy, vibrant, and sustainable community. He supports local businesses as well as advocating local food production, affordable housing for people of all incomes, and social services for those in need. Clif believes in balancing the investment and hard work of property owners with protection and restoration of our working resource lands, rivers and fisheries. He helped ensure Redwood Transit service for Southern Humboldt and voted for stable funding for fire departments by helping Bridgeville, Fruitland Ridge, Briceland and Palo Verde become fire districts. As mentioned in a recent Journal article, Clif is working hard to keep Grizzly Creek State Park open, a move that will ensure the protection of this important and beautiful resource as well as encourage traveling families to stop for a time here in Humboldt County.  Reelecting Clif will guarantee that Humboldt County will continue to work toward having a unified trail system and a budget that will keep the county's spending within its means. Join me in ensuring that ours will continue to be a sustainable community. Pick Clif -- again.

Ellen Krohn, Fortuna



One vote in a board of five, a district supervisor is your personal advocate for what Humboldt County is doing and specifically how it operates. Like your publisher ("My Bully Pulpit," May 17), I am supporting Clif Clendenen for 2nd District supervisor. I know Clif to be honest and sincere with people. His roots run deep in Humboldt County. What's that mean for you? That means when you have a county problem, he knows where things are and has the perspective to understand complex issues.

He's committed to serving the district and he's already "up to speed" with the job and county politics. Clif has the experience to keep our district's needs on the "front burner." He's built the relationships necessary for solving 2nd District problems. Example, last year as president of the Highway 36 Association, we needed quick support for a federal forest grant proposal for funds to make the last remaining one lane section of Highway 36 into two lanes. Caltrans announced the $28.8 million federal grant award in December. It will greatly improve access and safety for the 2nd District for generations to come. Re-elect Clif Clendenen, 2nd District Supervisor.

Alan French, Hydesville


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