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Measure P! 


The candidate for Eureka City Council, campaign materials in a plastic bag, trudged through the late October rain to yet another house. It was apparent, despite a valiant effort to campaign door-to-door in the entire city, this was going to prove impossible. The city was simply too large. He remembered the night before, when, hat in hand, he attended yet another fund-raiser in an attempt to raise enough money for just one TV ad, desperately needed to remain competitive against his opponent.

This is the sorry state of affairs for a typical city council candidate in Eureka. On the ballot is a measure to reform how councilmembers would be elected, known as Measure P. In this enlightened approach, you would only have to run and campaign in your own ward. This would take much of the money out of local politics, and it would allow personal contact with every potential voter. By only having to campaign in their own ward, many more people would be willing to run for city council, including those of modest means not backed by big money interests.

Cast your vote for Measure P. The True Ward initiative. It only makes sense.

Ron Kuhnel, Eureka

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