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Horses Heal Humans 


Many of us have witnessed firsthand the incredible value that horses have added to the lives of humans ("Wild," Feb. 2). Without doubt, horses have contributed more to the human society than any other creature on the planet. They have added their "horse power" strength, their beauty to the landscape, and a calming, grounding influence to those receptive. The list goes on.

What Wild Souls is doing is simple and remarkable. Bringing kids, adults and horses together to grow confidence, trust and responsibility. With horses, you need to be accountable and present at all times. Savanah and her team have shown a deep commitment to bringing young adults to a place that connects them to those attributes. Benefits they find are not accessible through video games and drugs.

Horses are now being used around the country in similar programs, including inmate recidivism reduction, corporate and athletic team building, and marriage and family strengthening, among others. It is an exciting and growing aspect of community that many of us longtime horsemen and women are already aware of.

Horses never lie. The success of these programs, and life in general, relies on being honest.

One other point of this story that needs to be made is the horses that are a part of this team are also benefited in many, many ways. The attention and care provided to these magnificent creatures give them purpose. We all know that purpose is one of the key ingredients to a fulfilling life, no matter which species you belong to.

Uri Driscoll, Arcata


Thank you Savanah McCarty for the work you do at Wild Souls Ranch and thank you Linda Stansberry for the feature "Wild" that describes it. A year and a half ago I would have read the article with interest but not much emotional participation. Now I know what spending time with and riding a horse can do to a person, and I can only say I wish all children could have that experience, and all adults, too.

Simona Carini, Trinidad

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