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Bonds to the Rescue? 


I think that each of our cities ought to move on and sell bonds for redoing areas that are planned redevelopment ("The Death of Redevelopment," March 29). This would need to be done in such a way that the state would not be able to touch the bonds. This would not be a tax, but would be money from bonds that would be interest-bearing for a number of years and could be renewed for another number of years.

A lot of us want to see redevelopment continue. And many of us would be willing to buy bonds to do so. Certainly in this day of financial distress in public areas, it would be a good idea to go outside the box and see how things can continue to be funded. With the state taking redevelopment funds, selling bonds would be one idea that could bring in enough money to fund projects. Along with businesses and private investors in the targeted area, all of us working together could continue to see our county be a very good showcase.

It would also help us to continue to develop our community in green ways. In all of this, may we all see how we can come together as a community to refurbish, clean up and go green for the future we all want and desire.

Ted Adams, Arcata

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