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A Plea for Animals 


Adara's mom here. I just finished the article ("Beasts and Children," March 14), and I think it's wonderful. I do think the issue is more complicated -- animals at no-kill shelters that are kept in cages for extended periods can end up physically damaged, as my mom's cat was. She has a hunched back and can no longer jump. Fortunately, she found a lap. I cry a little inside to think of the fate of other animals kept in cages that don't find their lap.

Either way, it's a complex issue that we can hopefully make better every time we speak out, every time someone writes an article, every time someone digs a little deeper.

Thank you for giving Adara the opportunity to speak out and participate in your article. Thank you for covering this topic. Any discussion generated on animal welfare is a good one, in my opinion. Opening people's eyes in the smallest way can lead to profound changes. If your article inspires only one person to adopt an animal from the shelter or donate resources or time, it will have made an immeasurably positive impact. I'm sure it will be more than one.

Christina Lewis, Eureka




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