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Take Climate Action Now 


The recent reports about climate change urgency along with the increase in extreme weather events (fires, floods, hurricanes, drought) could tempt us to turn our focus away and give up in a sense of powerlessness. It is difficult to keep paying attention and to take action when individual action can seem so insignificant. But there are things we can do individually and collectively in our communities that could make a difference. Here is a short list of easy potential actions. I challenge myself, and each of us, to pick one of these (or one of your own good ideas for mitigating climate change) and do it this week. Next week, do one more, building habits. Share what you did with your friends or here in a letter. Let's encourage and inspire each other.

This week you could:

1) Bike/walk/bus to replace one car ride; 

2) Cut out or cut back on beef (cows are a big source of dangerous methane); 

3) Since we need political solutions to this systemic crisis, you could email your congressional representatives telling them to support climate change legislation. Check out the Clean Electrification Payment Program (CEPP) which is in the reconciliation bill that the House of Representatives is working on. Jared Huffman should be contacted about that one; 

4) Join a climate change organization like local 350Humboldt or a worldwide group like the Climate Changemakers. Both groups have an hour/week action/letter writing zoom session;

5) Learn about upcoming local Climate Action Plans and the proposed local offshore wind farm.

None of these ideas cost money or take much time. So many possibilities ... what are you already doing or willing to do right now? Talk about it, often. Action is a good antidote to despair. 

Cathy Chandler-Klein, Arcata

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