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'Heed This Advice' 


The loss of Hunter Lewis is a tragedy for his family, friends and community (NCJ Daily, Jan. 6). He was a talented young man with a lot of promise in his future and his loss is felt by all. I sincerely hope that such a tragedy can be avoided, so, as a longtime ocean kayaker, I present the following advice.

Never go boating alone.

Choose the appropriate watercraft for the location and conditions — and check conditions prior to launch.

Always have a means to communicate to those onshore; a VHF radio or a cellphone.

When boating around rocks, wear a helmet.

ALWAYS WEAR A LIFE JACKET, i.e. a personal floatation device.

Dress for the water temperature — in cold water, like the ocean and bay around here, a wetsuit or drysuit is necessary.

Hopefully, boaters will heed this advice and come back to shore safely.

Sandy Haux, Trinidad

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