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Fourth District Supervisor 


I owned an insurance agency for almost 40 years in Eureka and had decades of contact with Mike Newman because he is in the insurance business. I heard nothing but praise for Mike from his clients and other insurance agents. I trust him to be our Supervisor! He will balance environmental concerns, push for living wages and be business friendly.

Many years ago, my client was willing to construct a building in Eureka similar to the one that has the Bayfront Restaurant and an ice cream shop with nice apartments above at First and F streets. People who don't want to see any change fought him so much. I heard he spent $100,000 just trying to get plans approved before he finally gave up.

Mike Newman as Fourth District Supervisor will improve our area for the good of all.

Paul Nicholson, Bayside


I think things happen around here based on "who you know." I read North Coast Journal from a stand in Old Town, and I've never written you about things I care about. It took years — I'm not easy, but Natalie Arroyo earns trust. Humboldt is our home. We need an honorable Fourth District supervisor who builds inclusive community through public processes.

Natalie uses leadership skills I expect from veterans, professionalism I want from elected officials, and the planning experience to do right by our growing community. She makes processes accessible to average people; when I have questions, she finds answers.

I appreciate the dignity Natalie brings to public service because I don't care for rodeo-as-politics approach to civic engagement. Choosing Natalie on June 7 is about building the community we want.

Dana Maher, Eureka


Natalie Arroyo is a bright light. You can see it in her eyes, in her work and the leadership she provides.

She stands on her foundation with the U.S. Coast Guard, AmeriCorps, work in fisheries and as a teacher. Natalie has a huge history of taking action steps to build a healthy community. She serves on Humboldt Transit and Waste Boards, and the Eureka City Council.

And she is not afraid of getting her hands dirty. She plants trees with Keep Eureka Beautiful and cleans up trash. She has vision and follows through.

Because of her hard work, experience and constructive relationships, she has the support of countless organizations, publications, labor, health care, small and big business, deep and wide into the community.

Choose Natalie Arroyo for county supervisor.

Julie Fulkerson, Eureka


County election ballots arrive this week, and for undecided voters, here's a short list of qualifications for our best choice for District Four Board of Supervisors:

The ideal candidate is someone who knows the job is one of service; has a willingness to examine the issues and listen to others; someone who is honest and pragmatic; one who brings hope and realistic insights into our community's problems and needs, and it helps if one is experienced in public and community service.

Does this list set the bar high? Yes!

Is there anyone who can meet and exceed these standards? Yes!

Natalie Arroyo walks the talk on all these qualifications, and she has the service record to prove it. A vote for Natalie Arroyo is a vote for the very best choice for District Four Board of Supervisors. Vote for Natalie Arroyo.

Sheila Evans, Eureka


A big disclaimer: I am Natalie's mom, so many readers might reject my views out of hand as biased. However, my insights from observing Natalie over all of her 38 years have some depth. I am voting for Natalie because she is an outstanding consensus-builder and peacemaker who works very hard and gets things done. I could list many incidents from her life that demonstrate this, but not in under 150 words!

She is extremely intelligent, has built a background of broad and useful experience and has forged connections that are crucial in serving this community, as evidenced by her many, many endorsements. I hope the residents of District Four don't miss this opportunity to have Natalie representing them on the board of supervisors!

Nancy Arroyo, Eureka


I urge everyone to vote for Natalie Arroyo for Fourth District supervisor in the primary election. Her extensive education and experience in community planning make her supremely qualified to guide the county's development.

Her eight years of hard work on the Eureka City Council demonstrate her commitment to making Humboldt county a better place for all of us. Congressman Jared Huffman, the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee and the Times-Standard have all endorsed her, and she is obviously the best choice for the job.

Bruce Will, Hydesville


Natalie Arroyo has my enthusiastic support in the upcoming election.

Natalie is smart, dedicated and listens as well as anyone I have met.

She is not an ideologue — we don't need ideology in local government; we need problem-solvers and practical innovators like Natalie Arroyo.

Natalie has a wealth of local experience solving problems, listening to people and implementing wise and caring decisions that are beneficial to all. We are fortunate to be able to choose such a fine candidate for county supervisor. Please vote for Natalie Arroyo on June 7.

Michael Furniss, Arcata

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