November 21, 2023 Slideshows » News

Trans Day of Remembrance 

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Photo by Kait Angus
A crowd gathers under the lights on Arcata Plaza.
Photo by Kait Angus
Sister Mary Magna commencing the vigil.
Photo by Kait Angus
Sister Mary Magna, Sister Juana Little, Sister Roman Holiday and Sister Gaia T.
Photo by Kait Angus
A Pride candle lit for the vigil.
Photo by Kait Angus
Beginning the “TRANScending the Veil” ritual.
Photo by Kait Angus
Participants light candles for one another.
Photo by Kait Angus
Sister Juana Little lighting a vigil candle.
Photo by Kait Angus
Attendees listening to the speakers.
Photo by Kait Angus
Sister Gaia T speaking on the megaphone.
Photo by Kait Angus
Photo by Kait Angus
Frankincense to be burned while reading names of trans people all over the world who have lost their lives to violence and suicide.
Photo by Kait Angus
Attendees at the vigil hold their candles.
Photo by Kait Angus
Sister Gaia T reading names of trans people who have lost their lives to violent hate crimes.
Photo by Kait Angus
Sister Gaia T kneels and Sister Roman Holiday circles the center plaza while the names are read aloud.
Photo by Kait Angus
An attendee holds the lyrics for the sing-along.
Photo by Kait Angus
The crowd comes together for a singalong of “Go in Peace” by Sam Baker.
Photo by Kait Angus
Papa K, founder of Lost Coast Pride, attends in a hat with trans pride colors.
Photo by Kait Angus
Blue belonged to trans elder Reese Lopez, who recently died. Blue is soon to be homeless and needs to be adopted. Email [email protected] if you're interested in adopting Blue.
Photo by Kait Angus
Judy Mackey honoring her late partner Reese Lopez with their dog Blue.
Photo by Kait Angus
Papa K, Bee Wilson and Alexis.
Photo by Kait Angus
A crowd gathers under the lights on Arcata Plaza.

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