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Dividend Disparities 


The article "Discipline Disparities" (June 18) points out some glaring truths.

"American Indian/Alaska Native students in the district 'have a higher risk of being suspended compared to all other students, while white and Latino students have a lower risk of being suspended compared to all others.' African-American and multi-racial students were also at a disproportionately higher risk of being suspended for 'disruptive/defiant' behavior. These findings were in keeping with national trends."

Repeat — these findings were in keeping with national trends.

So why were the Eureka City Schools sued? That answer is also included in the article:

"The assessment summarized in the report was one of the terms of the settlement, which also includes a $700,000 payout (85 percent of which went to paying ACLU and NCYL lawyers)."

Repeat — a $700,000 payout (85 percent of which went to paying ACLU and NCYL lawyers).

These lawyers are the same people who say they hate corporate greed and corruption. Yet their motives are the same — self-enrichment.

Why don't people realize this and stop playing along with their games?

Susan Dodd, Eureka

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