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Vote Arroyo! 


I am writing to urge fellow residents of Eureka's Third Ward to re-elect Natalie Arroyo to the city council. Natalie is Eureka Proud, and she embodies the things that make Eureka great. Eureka is the nation's second designated Coast Guard City, and Natalie is a proud member of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve.

Eureka is super cool, and what could be cooler than Brawn Luc Picard competing in Humboldt Roller Derby? She teaches at HSU, has served for years on countless local boards and she can bring people together to tackle our biggest challenges. Natalie's leadership yields tangible results for our community, evidenced by miles of new trails, the popular Friday Night Market and dozens of beautiful new murals throughout the city. Natalie is a calm, kind and rational leader who bases decisions on sound research and data.

Brawn Luc Picard deserves another term on the city council. Make it so!

Cody Johns, Eureka


Ward 3 and the rest of our city needs Natalie Arroyo to stay in office. In the past four years, Natalie has been a large part of creating the positive growth and momentum that is driving Eureka's renaissance.

Change can only progress with the ideals and creativity of young people. Young people, not in the sense of age but that of open mindedness and bright ideas. I think Martin Luther King Jr. put it best when he said, "Every society has its protectors of status quo and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change."

If you want to see more positive momentum in our city, join me in supporting Natallie Arroyo for city council in Ward 3.

Sprout Page, Eureka

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