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'Such a Relief' 


Such a relief it was to read Thadeus Greenson's interview with CPH's Chief of Staff Mark Johnson ("False Narratives," May 16). Given the administration's behavior in the last month — a weeks-long "hard" campus closure, a loud helicopter circling overhead for hours, police officers hauled in from all over the state — I personally met deputies from Sonoma and officers from San Jose — cement barriers, crime-scene tape, a bold flashing sign on 101 informing every passerby that this closure will be enforced, as if to say that most rules are not actually enforced but this one would be — well given all of that I assumed President Jackson was privy to information the rest of us did not have. Perhaps the CIA or FBI had given the Pres a call. Perhaps Osama bin Laden's little brother was holed up in Siemens Hall clutching a basement-made nuclear bomb in his unsteady hands. Who could say?

But fortunately, as we learned from the interview, the crisis was just a bunch of singing, praying, chalk-armed college students protesting yet another American-financed, bloody, brutal, misbegotten war.

So relieved we were by this news that Wednesday afternoon (May 15) my wife and I ventured again onto the deserted campus. After we descended the steps from Founders Hall, our path was blocked by a high fence. The quad was still blocked off and apparently still dangerous. As we made our way home, I imagined the president and his chief were still out there, sneaking through every room in Siemens Hall, searching beneath every desk, peering behind every closet door, Geiger counters in hand.

But seriously, I do encourage everyone to take a stroll through campus. CPH is an Arcata treasure, as much to be admired and enjoyed as the marsh or the community forest. Walk the paths, explore the back alleys. We are in the midst of a lovely spring and, as usual, the grounds crews are doing excellent work. The campus is lush and green and flower-filled. And sadly, very empty.

Doug Ingold, Arcata

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