February 23, 2022 Slideshows » Arts + Scene


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Photo by Mark Larson
MADSUMMER director Michael Fields enthusastically welcomed the opportunity to perform his new show in front of a live audience on opening night, Friday, Feb. 18.
Photo by Mark Larson
Asbjorn Sorenson (Ben Clifton) was the ineffective, distracted events director of Foggy Boomers.
Photo by Mark Larson
John (Bob Wells, left) and Jill (Peggy Metzger), residents of Foggy Boomers, waited for event director Asbjorn Sorenson (Ben Clifton) to finish organizing Jill's birthday party.
Photo by Mark Larson
Foggy Boomer resident and birthday girl Jill (Peggy Metzger) shared a dramatic reading of "The Last Pickle," a poem by Lynne Wells. Asbjorn Sorenson (Ben Clifton) and John (Bob Wells) listened in on her reading.
Photo by Mark Larson
Foggy Boomers staff members Kerry (Kathryn Cesarz) and Kenny (Jesse March, back row) finally had the residents lined up to help celebrate Jill's birthday (left, Jill (Peggy Metzger), John (Bob Wells), Betsy (Susan Abbey), Zach (Scott Malcolm) and Eva (Wilda Thompson, who no one at the time knew was actually an undercover government inspector at Foggy Boomers).
Photo by Mark Larson
CEO of Foggy Boomers Edward Duodenum (Donald Forrest) offered a long rant about society, senior citizens' sex lives and his goal to make as much money as possible off caring for senior citizens.
Photo by Mark Larson
CEO of Foggy Boomers Edward Duodenum (Donald Forrest) offered a long rant about society, senior citizens' sex lives and his goal to make as much money as possible off caring for senior citizens.
Photo by Mark Larson
Foggy Boomers residents Jill (Peggy Metzger, left front) and John (Bob Wells) performed a tear-inducing version of the song, "Say Something," along with staffers Kenny (Jesse March) and Kerry (Kathryn Cesarz).
Photo by Mark Larson
After sneaking into Foggy Boomers to visit her mother, Jill, and making an attempt to sneak her out, Calistoga (Zera Starchild) performed "When I Die," a song written by Starchild.
Photo by Mark Larson
Foggy Boomers residents Zach (Scott Malcom) and Betsy (Susan Abbey) worked their way through acknowledging their sexual attraction and then followed through with their mutual desires for each other.
Photo by Mark Larson
Undercover government inspector Eva McHale (Wilda Thompson) sang "End of the World" as Foggy Boomers CEO Edward Duodenum (Donald Forrest) looked on. Duodenum had finally recognized McHale as a former lover and friend and was attempting to rekindle the relationship with McHale.
Photo by Mark Larson
Foggy Boomers Dr. Frank Birinbum (Jeff Thomas) was greeted by residents Betsy (Susan Abbey) and Zack (Scott Malcolm) as the Doctor sang "Old Folks Boogie" – it put the residents in a cheerful, dancing mood.
Photo by Mark Larson
Foggy Boomers Dr. Frank Birinbum (Jeff Thomas) sang "Old Folks Boogie" and it put the residents in a cheerful, dancing mood.
Photo by Mark Larson
Foggy Boomers Dr. Frank Birinum (Jeff Thomas, center) made his rounds among the eagerly awaiting residents with his array of pharmaceutical mood enhancers for Jill (Peggy Metzger left), John (Bob Wells), Betsy (Susan Abbey) and Zach (Scott Malcolm.
Photo by Mark Larson
As part of Jill's birthday party, Foggy Boomers event director Asbjorn Sorenson (Ben Clifton, right) asked his very-eager-to-direct-a-play staffer Kenny (Jesse March, center in a bear constume) to lead the staff and guest Calistoga in a highly frenetic and melodramatic performance for the residents.
Photo by Mark Larson
All's well that ends well as Foggy Boomers CEO Edward Duodenum (Donald Forrest) has his greedy, hard heart softened by finding love again and he comforted resident and birthday girl Jill (Peggy Metzger) about being able to remain a resident at Foggy Bottoms with her heart friend John.
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Jennifer Fumiko Cahill23 images
Mark Larson15 images
Mark Larson17 images
Mark Larson17 images
Photo by Mark Larson
MADSUMMER director Michael Fields enthusastically welcomed the opportunity to perform his new show in front of a live audience on opening night, Friday, Feb. 18.

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