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Doubling Down 

The Best of Humboldt 2021

OK, when we started the nomination and voting for the Best of Humboldt 2021, we thought of it as a kind of do-over after 2020. Turns out we're not out of the woods yet on the pandemic and its attending troubles. But we're still betting on Humboldt, doubling down, in fact. Flipping and scrolling through this list of winners, nominated and voted into their top spots, you get a look at what we've got here to be proud of, to enjoy and protect.

The folks who took care of our pets, aided our elders, fixed our busted radiators, delivered our takeout and fed those in need during the last year did all of it under tough circumstances. And the little things — the smiling eyes from the person who made your sandwich, a little help at the hardware store — meant even more. So we're all in, pushing our pile of chips into the pot and betting on the best of us and the best in us to pull together and preserve the businesses, people and delightful oddities of our county. Though, to be honest, seeing the jail voted the Best Place to Meet Singles makes us wonder if we're ready to get all the way back out there.

But what the hell — put it all on Humboldt.


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