Sept. 2, 2004
Cover photo: Historical Eureka
newspapers from the collection of Jack Irvine.
then, began publication. First as a weekly, then a daily, the
Times ran under a variety of names, including the Times-Telephone
and the Daily Evening Telephone. Its merger in 1967
with the Daily Standard created the newspaper we know
today as the Times-Standard.
For most of its history, it
has been a staunchly conservative voice, both in its editorials
and its news copy. Its record is one of championing local industry
-- fishing, oil exploration and timber -- and advocating what
it viewed as "progress," be it the coming of the railroad
or the building of the Redwood Highway or the plans for the Butler
Dam in the 1970s.
As the only daily newspaper
in the county, it also helped shape public opinion on the most
wrenching, divisive issues of the time -- from the Indian conflicts
of the mid-1800s to the expulsion of Chinese workers in 1885
to the timber wars that continue today.
"It has tremendous influence,"
said Susie Van Kirk, a historic resources consultant who is cited
by local librarians as the foremost authority on Humboldt County
newspapers. "It was extremely important early on because
it was the only paper that had some broader circulation [beyond
an individual city or community], and that has continued."
It also served as the sole source
of news, other than word-of-mouth among residents, Van Kirk said.
"In those early days, there
was no other access to news, absolutely none," she said.
"So the paper had a tremendous impact, because it was the
source of information."
historian Ray Raphael [Photo
at left] , author of the new book
Founding Myths: Stories that Hide Our Patriotic Past,
said the paper has been an "invaluable resource" for
him and for others who study Humboldt County history, because
few other primary sources, such as letters and diaries, exist
from the early days of European settlers. "We would be nowhere
without the recording of that information," he said. "This
weekly [then daily] chronicling of what people thought was important
was invaluable, partly just by their choice of what they thought
was important."
The men who started the Times
in 1854, among them editor and co-owner J.E. Wyman, were
"shameless self-promoters of Humboldt: Everything was perfect,
the future was rosy, there were always wonderful opportunities
going on," Raphael said.
One example was the way the
paper treated the Petrolia oil boom of 1865. The paper's owners
-- like all Humboldt bigwigs of the time -- were also investors
in the companies that went after the oil, Raphael said. "They're
trying to attract outside money. They need capital. This is a
hard thing to drill for oil in the middle of nowhere. So they're
just touting this thing. Everything is going crazy [they wrote],
and the description of how much oil was gushing from these wells
-- a year later, of course, all these companies were belly up."
Ki-we-lat-tah, Wiyot leader
Indian 'outrages'
But far more harm was done,
Raphael said, through the paper's reports on the conflicts with
Indian tribes whose homeland they had invaded.
"They would report any
incident in which the Indians supposedly did something bad to
whites as this great grievance, and simultaneously, any time
the whites did something bad [the paper] would be very, very
proud of it."
Serious Indian Troubles --
Removal or Extermination
Since the forepart of June
we have been called upon to notice, in nearly every number of
our paper, murders, robberies and other depredations committed
by digger indians in this section of the State. Within that time
two men at work on their logging claims East of this place have
been shot from an ambush and wounded, one of them quite severely;
Thornton, of Mattole, has been murdered and his body mutilated
in a manner which the diggers only are capable of doing. ...
Chauncey Miller, a trader on the Trinity, being down after goods
and finding the trail dangerously infested by Indians, volunteered
for the purpose of removing this obstruction to interior trade.
He also forfeited his life. ...
This week we are obliged
to continue the record of Indian outrages on the lives and property
of our citizens. It has now come to that condition of affairs
in the Bald Hill country, that men are shot down within sight
of their own houses and their stock driven off before their eyes.
We have long foreseen the
present state of things and have been well satisfied, and so
expressed it repeatedly, that it could only be averted by placing
the Indians on the Reservations, or by extermination: in other
words, by removing them from the range they now inhabit, either
alive or dead.
--Humboldt Times news
story, Sept. 18, 1858
Raphael said that, as shocking
and racist as those old reports are, they reflect their historic
"The people here are in
immediate conflict. They want this land. It's basically in their
vested interest to portray the original inhabitants of the land,
the indigenous, as somehow subhuman or cruel or un-Christian,
some way to legitimize their takeover of the land."
The voices of those who wanted
a more peaceful end to the conflicts "are not really registered
in the Times," Raphael said. "They did exist."
A horrendous exclamation point
on the conflicts came, of course, with the massacre at Indian
Island on Feb. 26, 1860. In the subsequent edition of the Times,
the paper said it could not "approve" of the slaughter.
But the emphasis of its coverage is on the atrocities that had
been suffered up to that point by whites.
The rancheria on Indian Island
was attacked on Saturday night by an unknown party of men and,
with the exception of three or four that escaped, the whole tribe,
with many Mad river Indians stopping there, were killed . ...
...the ranches on the South
Beach had also been attacked the same night, and the whole number
of diggers there, exterminated. Since then it is reported that
a considerable number of Indians on Eel river were killed the
same time. ... The killing appears to have been principally with
knives and hatchets, or axes.
These simultaneous attacks,
at different points, show clearly that this new plan of operations
against the Indians, has been adopted by a large number of people
in this county, and that they act in concert. ...
There are men in this county,
as there may be elsewhere, where the Government allows these
degraded diggers to roam at large, and plunder and murder without
restraint, who have become perfectly desperate, and we have here
some of the fruits of that desperation. They have had friends
or relatives cruelly and savagely butchered, their homes made
desolate, and their hard-earned property destroyed by these sneaking,
cowardly wretches; and when an attempt is made to hunt them from
their hiding places in the mountains, to administer merited punishment
upon them, they escape to the friendly ranches on the coast for
protection. ...
Smarting under these great
and grievous wrongs, we are prepared to overlook much that would
otherwise be unjustifiable, but we cannot approve of the indiscriminate
slaughter of helpless children and defenseless squaws. ...
If in defense of your property
and your all, it becomes necessary to break up these hiding places
of your mountain enemies, so be it; but for heavens sake, in
doing this, do not forget to what race you belong.
--Humboldt Times news
story, March 3, 1860
Other papers took a markedly
different approach to the story. Bret Harte was working at the
time as a young writer and occasional editor at the Northern
Californian, a weekly paper published in Union, the town
renamed Arcata. Under the headline, "Indiscriminate massacre
of Indians, women and children butchered," he wrote:
...Little children and old
women were mercilessly stabbed and their skulls crushed by axes.
When the bodies were landed in Union, a more shocking and revolting
spectacle never was exhibited to the eyes of a Christian and
civilized people. Old women, wrinkled and decrepit, lay weltering
in blood, their brains dashed out and dabbed with long grey hair.
Infants, scarce a span long, with their faces cloven with hatchets
and their bodies ghastly with wounds..."
Elsewhere, too, the coverage
was different. The San Francisco Bulletin wrote:
Amidst the wailing of mutilated
infants, the cries of agony of children, the shrieks and groans
of mothers in death, the savage blows are given, cutting through
bone and brain. The cries for mercy are met by joke and libidinous
remark, while the bloody ax descends with unpitying stroke, again
and again, doing its work of death, the hatchet and knife finishing
what the ax left undone. ...
Here was a mother fatally
wounded hugging the mutilated carcass of her dying infant to
her bosom; there, a poor child of two years old, with its ear
and scalp tore from the side of its little head. Here a father
frantic with grief over the bloody corpses of his four little
children and wife...
So, where is the good to
come from these murders of 55 on Indian Island, 58 on South Beach,
40 on South Fork of Eel river previously, and 35 subsequently
on Eagle Prairie -- 188 lives of human beings in all?
San Francisco Bulletin, "eyewitness" account, March 13, 1860
The Chinese: "Coolie"
The Times gave similarly
racist treatment to the issue of the Chinese workers who, after
having been expelled from Humboldt County in 1885 because they
were viewed as an economic threat, among other things, returned
in 1906 to work at a cannery on the Eel River.
After being free from the
foot of a celestial for twenty odd years, and for so long a time
being known far and wide as a place absolutely free from coolie
labor, Humboldt county saw the return of Chinese within her borders
yesterday noon with the arrival of the steamer Roanoke, when
the Starbuck-Tallant Company, of Port Kenyon, imported twenty-seven
Chinese to work in its cannery on Eel river.
The Chinese were kept aboard
the steamer until shortly before 4 o'clock when a Santa Fe engine
backed a box car on the sidetrack alongside the warehouse and
the pigtails, bag and baggage, were dumped in, the door shut,
and the engine returned with the forbidden fruit, to the train,
hooked onto the passenger coaches and pulled out for the valley.
--Humboldt Times news story, Sept. 30, 1906
1906 expulsion of Chinese
workers from Humboldt County
[Photo courtesy Humboldt County Historical Society]
The cannery workers were shipped
out the following month because loggers objected to their presence.
The Chinese were not the only
workers looked upon with derision in the pages of the Times
and Standard. The newspapers' approach to labor issues
overall was to support the barons of industry and criticize workers
who dared to challenge their bosses.
"They celebrated the people
of wealth," Van Kirk said. "The men who labored 10-12
hours a day in the woods and mills to make the county's Vances
and the Carsons wealthy and successful men found no supporter
at the Times."
In 1935, lumber workers in Humboldt
County organized as the Lumber and Sawmill Workers Local 2563,
according to The Great Lumber Strike of Humboldt County 1935
by Frank Onstine. They demanded a raise from 35 to 50 cents an
hour, and a reduction in their work week from 60 to 48 hours.
On May 15, they joined a general strike of the West Coast lumber
industry, Onstine wrote. The Times described the action
as "a terrorist campaign launched by communist leaders."
Local workers, the paper wrote, were caught in the middle.
"The paper was continually
indicating that Humboldt County workers were not dissatisfied
with their situation and that they in fact supported their benevolent
employers," Van Kirk said. "So things just went from bad to worse, and
they erupted in June 1935."
[Photo at right: Susie
Van Kirk]
It was on the morning of June
21 of that year that "reds" gathered at the gates of
the Holmes-Eureka mill, today the site of Bayshore Mall, and
striking workers clashed with police, who shot and killed three
men -- two workers and a bystander -- and arrested 141 others.
The five police officers who were wounded were pictured by the
Times; there were no photos of the dead men. The event,
later referred to by workers as a "massacre," was described
by the Humboldt Times as "mob violence." Its
stories made victims and heroes of the police and the "special
officers," men who were later determined to be paid enforcers
of the mill, according to a 1995 Times-Standard story.
The 1935 event was described
by the Times this way:
One of the bloodiest outbreaks
of mob violence in Eureka's history was replaced by peace and
order last night, after federal, state, county, and city officers
combined to round up nearly 150 rioters and suspected radicals.
Although considerable tension continued, officers believed their
action had broken the back of a terrorist campaign launched by
community leaders yesterday morning. ...
The battle began about 6:00
o'clock yesterday morning, when a mob of about 200 pickets began
building a barricade across the road leading into the Holmes-Eureka
mill, and stoned the first workmen's cars which approached. ...
[Officers who arrived] were
greeted by a shower of rocks from the pickets. ...
The fact that about 45 local
officers were able to subdue the mob of strikers is probably
the only thing that turned the stand of the pickets into a crushing
defeat. ...
It was not the local strikers
who instigated the riots of yesterday, the G-men [alleged FBI
agents on the scene] say, but reds who have come here during
the past few weeks. ...
Proving that reds are working
in this locality, a box full of weapons and literature was found
in a local hall yesterday afternoon.
A police drag net is out
over the entire county for reds and strikers.
--Humboldt Times news
stories, June 22, 1935
Pepper spray 'flap'
The Times-Standard's
coverage of the logging industry historically has been seen by
critics as decidedly pro-timber. Whether through outright pro-business
bias or a lack of rigorous reporting, the paper failed to jump
on one of the most explosive local issues in recent years: the
infamous pepper-spray incidents of 1997, which are now the focus
of a lawsuit by protesters against then-Sheriff Dennis Lewis,
Sheriff Gary Philp, sheriff's deputies and Eureka police scheduled
to begin Sept. 7.
When groups of timber protesters
were pepper-sprayed at the Scotia headquarters of Pacific Lumber
Co. on Sept. 25, 1997, the Times-Standard ran a front-page
story under the headline, "9 Jailed after PL offices invaded."
The paper referred to the pepper
spray in the third paragraph, quoting a Sheriff's Department
statement that said "liquid chemical agents" were used
on the protesters "who refused to release themselves from
the steel devices and leave the building." An unnamed protester
was quoted as shouting that pepper spray had been used. The article
included no further discussion of the chemical.
The second of three pepper-spray
incidents did not make the paper. It involved two men who attached
themselves to a Pacific Lumber bulldozer in the Bear Creek watershed
near Stafford, according to a later story in the San Francisco
The third incident involved
a protest against the impending passage of the federal Headwaters
appropriations bill on Oct. 16, 1997 at the offices of then-Rep.
Frank Riggs in Eureka. Four women were arrested after they chained
themselves into metal sleeves around a stump that protesters
had dragged into the office. This time, the Times-Standard
didn't mention the pepper spray use until the ninth paragraph.
The paper noted that one protester shouted "Stop torturing
people" as the women were removed from the building, and
that the skin around the women's eyes was red.
Twelve days went by with no
further coverage of the use of pepper-spray. Then, when protesters
filed suit Oct. 30 in U.S. District Court in San Francisco --
and showed Bay Area reporters the videotape of officers swabbing
and spraying the chemical in the eyes of the nonviolent activists
-- all hell broke loose.
The Times-Standard ran
a wire story about the lawsuit on page A5, the last page of local
news. Meanwhile, the videotape was being aired on TV stations
all over the country, and the pepper spraying was reported in
major newspapers nationwide.
The following day, the Times-Standard
ran an Associated Press story on its front page under the headline,
"Law enforcement under pepper fire." The lawsuit alleged
the pepper spraying violated standard police practices, the story
read, and the AP reporter quoted then-Humboldt County Sheriff
Dennis Lewis as saying that the tactic was "something new."
The Times-Standard filled
out its coverage that day with two of its own stories: one involving
an interview with Lewis headlined, "Pepper spray safest
method, sheriff says," and a brief article entitled, "Riggs
office closes early after death threats made." The following
day, the paper ran a front-page story under the headline, "`I
thought I was going to die,'" quoting Riggs' office workers
saying how afraid they were of the "terrorist" protesters,
and another front-page story in which local officials criticized
the media "flap" over the use of the spray.
In a Nov. 2 editorial, the paper
acknowledged that the videotape "represents an offensive
image of Humboldt County to the rest of the nation." But
it does not go so far as to denounce the spraying. "Whatever
the courts decide about the tactics police and deputies used,
it will not excuse the protesters' vandalism and mayhem,"
it writes.
Gerry Adolph, publisher of the
Times-Standard since 2002, said this week that the paper's
coverage over the years reflects its readers. "In World
War II, there was a different sentiment. In World War I there
was a different sentiment. The true owners of the paper are the
On the question of bias, Adolph
said it depends on whom you talk to. "We're trying to cover
from all angles, and one day it may sound like we're pro-timber
and one day it may sound like we're pro-environment. I think
you can put one story in front of six people and they'll walk
away with six different impressions."
Move to center?
Humboldt State journalism Professor
Mac McClary said that the paper has undergone significant change
since he first moved to Humboldt County 37 years ago. "I
think that the paper has moved more to the center politically
in the last couple of years. I think there are more pro-environmental
voices in the Times-Standard than there were years ago.
And I'm surprised how liberal the editorials are. They always
used to be tagged with the pro-timber label, and I don't think
that's true anymore."
After being under a single local
owner from 1941 to 1967, the Times-Standard was acquired
by the Brush-Moore newspaper group, which in turn was purchased
by Thomson Newspapers, a Canadian company, later that year.
In 1996, Dean Singleton's MediaNews
Corp., a $738 million company based in Denver, bought the paper.
(See "Dean Singleton: Vilified newspaper mogul beginning
to see the light?," below.) Many predicted that it would
go downhill under Singleton's leadership, McClary said. But the
paper "is much better than his detractors would have predicted."
Adolph said the Times-Standard
has added reporters, improved wages and upgraded equipment since
Singleton took the reins. "I think the future is pretty
Research assistance provided
by Susie Van Kirk, Joan Berman, Edie Butler and Gisela Rohde.
Dean Singleton:
Vilified newspaper mogul
beginning to see the light?
NEWS BROKE that the Thomson newspaper chain had sold the Times-Standard
in the fall of 1996, the paper's employees rushed to their
computers to find out about their new boss. According to one
member of the editorial staff who has since moved on, it didn't
take long for them to realize that the news was not good.
"I remember the deer-in-the-headlights
look when they read what employees and ex-employees had to say
about Dean Singleton," said the former staffer, who asked
not to be named. [Photo
at right: Dean Singleton]
Eleven years after Charles Hurwitz
bought Pacific Lumber, another billionaire with Texas roots had
made his entrance into Humboldt County. At the time of the acquisition,
William Dean Singleton's MediaNews Group was well on its way
to becoming the seventh-largest newspaper chain in the country,
with 47 daily newspapers and 110 non-dailies in the United States.
And, as the Times-Standard reporters found out that day,
Singleton had already developed a reputation as a budget-slashing,
union-hating mogul interested only in bringing profits back to
his Denver headquarters.
Singleton began his newspaper
career in his teens, working as a cub sports reporter at small
Texas newspapers. But it didn't take long for him to make the
switch to the business side -- while still in college, he bought
a small weekly newspaper. He founded MediaNews with a friend
in 1983, slowly acquiring papers until he was large enough to
make a bid for the Denver Post in 1987.
The Post became the chain's
flagship paper, and its revitalization became a matter of personal
pride for Singleton. But the story of the Houston Post,
which he acquired at the same time, became the iconic MediaNews
story -- the company cut staff at the Houston paper, offered
remaining employees a weaker compensation package and, in 1995,
closed down the paper completely and sold its assets to the Houston
Chronicle, a competitor. Calling themselves the "Toasted
Post-ies," disgruntled Post employees organized
in part to promote the practice of referring to Singleton by
their preferred nickname -- "Stinky."
Singleton has recently claimed
to be interested in improving the quality of his newspapers.
In a speech to newspaper editors in 2002, he said that "newsroom
cutbacks have gone far enough maybe too far." But his company
may not have the financial wherewithal to make a significant
investment in improving the product.
MediaNews' rapid expansion during
the go-go `90s was financed by borrowing. Now, with the economy
in the doldrums, the company is paying the price. According to
its latest filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(dated March 31), MediaNews is currently $928 million dollars
in debt. In the nine months before the statement, the company
made only $14 million in net profit -- less than half what it
had made over the same period a year earlier. These facts were
among those that prompted Moody's Investors Service to give MediaNews
bonds a rating which declares that they "lack characteristics
of the desirable investment."
Sean Holstege, a transportation
reporter for the Oakland Tribune and the union representative
for reporters at Bay Area MediaNews papers, believes that Singleton
is sincerely trying to change course. He said last week that
the company has been willing to spend a little bit more to do
in-depth stories. But he also noted that the paper has gone through
two large-scale layoffs in the past year, and quality reporters
have left on their own after competitors offered contracts that
the Tribune simply couldn't match.
"Singleton has been consistently
talking about improving product," Holstege said. "The
question is whether changes are slow to come because they can't
afford it or because it just takes time to turn the ship around."
But while Singleton's new day
has yet to dawn -- especially in the Bay Area, where the dot-com
crash devastated advertising revenues -- Holstege remains hopeful
that it is still somewhere on the horizon.
"For the people I represent,
it becomes one of those stories that there's nowhere to go but
up," he said.
Also of interest
in the North Coast Journal:
Feb. 20, 2003: The Chinese Expulsion: Looking Back
on a Dark Episode
July 1, 2004: The Return of Indian Island: Restoring
the Center of the Wiyot World
Websites of
The Times-Standard Website
Humboldt State University Library: Northwestern
California Newspapers
The California Newspaper Project Catalog
© Copyright 2004, North Coast Journal,