Friday, June 12, 2020
Traffic Backing Up on 299 After Head-On Crash
By Kym Kemp
on Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 6:48 PM
click to enlarge - Jarron Courville
- The witness said the jaws of life needed to be used.
A head-on crash on Hwy 299 near Trinity Dam Blvd at approximately 4:41 p.m. blocked the entire road for about 40 minutes, according to the CHP Traffic Incident Information Page.
According to Jarron Courville, who said he was in the sixth car on the scene, “One lady was trapped in the SUV, jaws of life were on scene when I left [about 5:50 p.m.] Her baby is okay. Guy in diesel appeared to have struck her in her own lane.”
By 5:19 p.m. the eastbound lane was reopened but another traffic accident with no injuries at 5:42 p.m. is keeping traffic moving very slowly.
Tags: State Route 299, 299 crash, traffic, collision, Image