Monday, February 17, 2020
HSU Investigating Allegations of Faculty Member Soliciting Students
By Kimberly Wear
on Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 2:27 PM
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- Humboldt State University
Humboldt State University stated in a press release today that it has “expanded” an investigating into allegations that a member of its faculty “may have” solicited students for paid sex.
Providing few details, the release states the university has “taken precautionary steps in order to protect students from harm” since receiving the “anonymous reports” last Thursday and “significant progress has been made since the allegations first surfaced.”
“Because this investigation involves University personnel, the information the University will be able to share about outcomes will vary,” the HSU release states. “Findings and actions involving personnel matters are highly confidential.”
HSU is asking anyone with information to contact the university’s Title IX Office and/or the University Police Department and provided a list of campus support systems for anyone in need.
Please read the full HSU release below:
Humboldt State University has expanded its investigation into allegations that a faculty member may have solicited paid sex from multiple students.
The safety and well-being of the campus community is extremely important. The investigation follows anonymous reports received by the University last Thursday. Significant progress has been made since the allegations first surfaced. Given the severity of the allegations, the University has taken precautionary steps in order to protect students from harm.
Because this investigation involves University personnel, the information the University will be able to share about outcomes will vary. Findings and actions involving personnel matters are highly confidential.
The University encourages anyone who may have been harmed to seek assistance through the following campus support services.
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) provides a variety of support services. You may make an appointment by calling (707) 826-3236. If you are having a crisis, you may reach a CAPS therapist 24 hours a day at the same number (707) 826-3236.
The Campus Advocate Team (CAT) is an on-campus resource for students, staff, and faculty at HSU. CAT is a program of the North Coast Rape Crisis Team, a private nonprofit organization that has been contracted by HSU to provide specialized services to the HSU community. CAT provides 24-hour, confidential support to any HSU student, staff, or faculty who wants to talk about harm they’ve survived (sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking), or explore their options for support and/or holding accountable the person who harmed them. CAT can be reached at (707) 445-2881, 24 hours a day. On-campus appointments are available.
The Dean of Students Office can help students navigate the steps of any reporting process and provide support and advocacy while navigating a formal complaint, as well as helping students find resources on- and off-campus to best meet their needs. You can reach the office at (707) 826-3504.
Human Resources handles staff employment as well as Title IX matters and can be reached at (707) 826-3626. Academic Personnel Services handles employment and related responsibilities for faculty, and can be reached at (707) 826-5086.
The University also requests that anyone with information report it to one of the offices listed below. The Title IX Office helps students navigate accountability and accommodation for incidents of harm. The University Police Department, which operates from a trauma-informed perspective, assists with accountability and responds to reports of criminal activity.
· Title IX Office, David Hickcox at office (707) 826-5177, cell (707) 296-4032, or [email protected].
· University Police Department at (707) 826-5555.
Tags: Humboldt State University, investigation, soliciting sex, faculty member, Image