North Coast Journal





Regarding the new McKinleyville Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Stake Center (Cover story September):

tol*er*ance (tol-er-ens) noun. The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.

Enough said!

John Arrington, Eureka




I'd like to commend you on the story about the new Mormon church. It's seldom you read something so well balanced when dealing with subjects like that. Papers and/or the writers often seem to start out with a prejudice for or against the Mormons (usually against, it seems) but I thought this story was well-balanced and objective.

And if you're wondering how come someone from Idaho discovered the story, one of your contributing writers, Maka MacKenna, is a member of a bully-breed forum on the 'Net, and I surfed here to check out one of her stories when I encountered the Mormon church headlines and paused to read it.

And, no, I'm not Mormon, despite the address. But I do have strong ties -- some of my ancestors came with Brigham Young to Salt Lake and my great-great-grandfather spent six months in prison for following the teachings of his religion and taking two wives.

Helen McMullin, Idaho Falls




I think the liberal bias of the North Coast Journal was not too well concealed in the September issue. In the News Briefs section, under the item "Redwood Autumn", the writer slants the article towards the confiscatory environmentalist view. The term is salvage logging which the writer seemed fit to place in quotations twice.

As I recall my writing rules, quotations around a word or words is used to denote a nonstandard usage of the term or to add editorial recognition of the misuse of the term. So which one were you trying to denote? And if so, please enlighten your readership as to why and how you find section 14 CCR 1104.1, the exemption section of the California Forest Practices Rules, not to apply in Pacific Lumber's case or is being used in a nonstandard way.

I am familiar with the Forest Practice Rules, having helped write them and as a professional forester using them, and I do not see any justification for your use of the quotations, other than to insert editorial bias. Pacific Lumber Co. has every right to use the salvage exemption section of the Forest Practices Rules on any part of its ownership.

Carl Yee, Bayside




Thank you! The article Terry Kramer wrote on Verne Thornton (Gardening, September) was wonderful. This man certainly deserves this recognition.

The congregation at Grace Good Shepherd Church sends their special thanks.

Dorothea Weirup Birnie,McKinleyville


Editor's Note: Unfortunately late last month someone broke into the shed at the church and stole virtually all of Thorton's personal gardening equipment including a Snapper rider mower, rototiller, hand cultivator, shovels and even the wooden ramp church members built for him to load equipment in a truck.

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