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Fresh Face, Fresh Ideas 


Our county and city leadership has too often been dominated by poster boys (and girls) for the good-old-boy network. These decision makers have given too much weight to the interests of their cronies — with little regard for working people or the environment.

John Fullerton falls squarely into this category — an old-school conservative and former Republican Central Committee chair perfectly content to continue with the "business-as-usual" approach that has caused our economy and infrastructure to be in the poor shape it's in today.

It's time for a different direction — for a fresh voice representing a new generation of Eureka residents — a generation that understands that the old ways of doing business won't serve people or the planet well moving into the future.

Eureka City Council candidate Austin Allison understands that we need government that works for everyone, not just a select few. He will work hard to represent, protect and lift up working class individuals and small, local businesses.

Austin's got my vote this Nov. 8.

Mark Mills, Eureka


I heard the two candidates for Eureka City Council interviewed on KMUD on Sept. 19, and was impressed by Austin Allison's ideas for the city's future.

John Fullerton, on the other hand, spent most of his time bragging about his "decades of experience," but fell extremely flat when it came to offering concrete solutions to the issues he was asked about, which included economic development, infrastructure and homelessness.

If Mr. Fullerton has, indeed, gained any insight into the needs of Eureka citizens over these decades he claims to have spent listening to its citizens, one might expect that he would have formulated some more coherent ideas about how to solve Eureka's problems

So far, Mr. Fullerton, count me as underwhelmed.

I look forward to hearing more about Austin Allison's creative plans for the City of Eureka

Christina Bandy, Eureka


We need a strong voice for proactive, forward-thinking solutions on Eureka's city council. This November, we are presented with two options — Austin Allison, an energetic young professional and craftsperson with a bright vision for Eureka's future, and John Fullerton, a fixture in our local community who seems to be basing his campaign on the "experience" argument.

With due respect to Mr. Fullerton's community involvement over the years, I would argue that handing power over to someone whose previous leadership roles helped get us into the current messes we are facing is akin to allowing the fox to guard the henhouse.

Rather than elect someone to this prominent office who has been complicit in creating Eureka's host of current problems, which have been caused by the poor decisions of our conservative-dominated representatives for decades, let's vote for the candidate with the vision to help carry Eureka into the future – Austin Allison!

Tamara McFarland, Bayside

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