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Don't Boo, Call 


I sympathize with the feelings Cheri Ward expressed in her letter (Mailbox, Feb. 1) — empowered by the Women's March, discouraged by sexism (and racism and classism and ...) and angry. So many of us are struggling with that difficult combination of feelings. The most effective solution I've found is going to the Power (to the People) Lunch group and making phone calls to help persuade legislators and others to do the right thing. I find it to be a focused, empowering time of joining with others to work for change in a very concrete way. It's a lot better than feeling angry, discouraged and appalled at what is happening in the U.S. The call sheets have clear information and targeted scripts to make each phone call easy and effective. The topics are all issues that other groups in the U.S. are also calling about.

We meet the second and fourth Thursday of the month at the Creamery Building in Arcata, from noon to 1:30 p.m. It's fun and productive and a great lunch is served, too. If you can't get to the meetings, you can sign up via the Power Lunch Humboldt Facebook page or send an email to [email protected] and get the call sheets, pick an issue and call. Even better, get together with a friend and make calls together. This phone action group that makes phone calls is a great remedy for any kind of feelings of disempowerment. Join us!

Emily Siegel, Eureka

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