Sungnome Madrone 
Member since Oct 29, 2015


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Re: “A Troubled SoHum Road Finally Fails, Funding to Fix Uncertain

The slides in this area of Honeydew Creek have been active for decades and if one looks carefully you can see major slide zones on both sides of Honeydew Creek. The slide taking the road out is along the creeks left bank (looking downstream). These slides are complex with unstable slopes and significant toe cutting from high flows in the creek at the base of the slope. This undermines the foundation of the slope. I would recommend after a temporary fix is in to assist residents, that the county, BLM, local watershed groups, and adjacent landowners and local residents seek significant funding to create long term improvements. A successful long term plan would look carefully at the geology, soils, drainage, and slope protection to be comprehensive. By treating the toe of the slope with some rock, and lots of large wood and willow plantings one can improve salmon and steelhead habitat while helping the road. A collaborative proposal that brings together toe protection, revegetation with willow and other aggressive native species, like ceanothus and coyote brush, can fare well in government grant efforts to achieve a long term solution that aids humans and fish. My two cents...

10 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Sungnome Madrone on 02/03/2017 at 7:09 PM

Re: “Numbers Game

Pat Supports Trails and Fisherfolk

A vote for Pat is a vote for protection of our local fishing fleets and fisheries. Pat works tirelessly (compare his attendance record in public office with that of his competition) to protect and restore fish habitat, both fresh and saltwater. Pat also knows that there are many other ways that the Harbor, Recreation, and Conservation District can aid the community with job creation and other valuable projects. To this end, he and his colleges at the District have engaged in actively promoting and assisting with several development projects around the bay. These projects bode well for our economic future.

One of the other reasons I support Pat Higgins is because of his long-standing support for trails. I was working at Redwood Community Action Agency (RCAA) in the 1980’s through the 2000’s and was coordinating the efforts to build the Hammond Trail. The county had given up on the project due to the Mad River migrating north and taking away the trail right of way on the old RR grade.

There were many who thought the trail would never happen. I knew it could happen and Pat knew. He was the President of the Board of RCAA for many of those trail planning and building years. It was with Pats support, RCAA staff, and several key members of the County staff like John Murray and Don Tuttle, and private landowners that helped make it happen. We never gave up and as a community it got built. Now we dream of trails around the bay and Pat will help make that happen. A vote for PAT is a vote for TRAILS and for FISH!

This can do attitude is how Pat operates. I am voting for Pat. I encourage you to do the same. Sungnome Madrone

1 like, 2 dislikes
Posted by Sungnome Madrone on 10/29/2015 at 8:14 AM

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