Roger Bar 
Member since Feb 4, 2017


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Re: “Going Big

Let's put some people to work. Get all these people that are making our pristine county look bad .We can perhaps shine again . At least approve 12 acres or more . Arcata which missed being the county seat by days, should be able to accommodate this industry given location etc. This company will likely be given permission anywhere else. Export more revenue for all out of our county and continue seeing homeless everywhere . There is no need for tree huggers to voice there opinion here. It's just bottom land , cows and mills have had there turn with very little revenue. If we don't up our game japan will have floating greenhouses and decimate our only chance at something .

2 likes, 8 dislikes
Posted by Roger Bar on 03/19/2021 at 3:53 AM

Re: “Rio Dell Rising

A up to date water quality report would be nice to reassure people its quality of water is within specs. I would think since we hired 2 more public works people since the middle beautification project , we could have a little more cleaning of the water drains and focus on there intake angles or sandbags in heavy rain. But for the most part being that there is not that much revenue , we should not try to duplicate what happens in other cities. Bike lanes are more important than grass in the middle of a already narrow road. It would also seem if we cannot meet the standard on roads or painted divided segments there of, there should be no enforcement . Strange to have to abide to specific vehicle codes where the enforcement agency cannot give accurate description of the violation due to cities inability to maintain a safe and standard that a incorporated city is required to do.

1 like, 1 dislike
Posted by Roger Bar on 11/06/2017 at 5:34 AM

Re: “Fair Fight

Yea most entities do not reveal there fleecing of tax dollars. They especially dont want to let the tax payers of this county knowing anything about accountability. It gets real interesting when you see a city or county cry that there is no funding for roads. the county owes millions on cal pers retirement system with making minimal payments each month. Anymore they would rather watch the road deteriorate until a good storm comes along and declare emergency funding disaster rather than maintain the roads.. When the whole chicken pen is full of foxes there is no honor among thieves. Government gets more expensive to run every year while getting better benefits and there output is less, like right down to cal trans level ( shovel in hand bs' n all day). Its easy for them to pencilwhip the financial reports to match what looks good to them. The auditing is just as bogus , and now with browns shred document law which his family has trademark patent rights in (just kidding) . Sometimes it's best not to know and or get involved and tell your elected leaders we demand accountability!

0 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Roger Bar on 02/24/2017 at 4:57 AM

Re: “AG: No Criminal Charges Against HumCo Judges

They work tirelessly among a unsustainable court calendar and provide peoples rights foremost above their owntimelines. For many to scrutinize their hard work with no pay would hinder their ability to do their job. It would seem measures seem to be changed so they get paid and have a different type of case management completion guidelines. Bill collectors don't allow service to those who do not pay their bills, and i personally would not want to be judged by a disgruntled judge who was not able to watch the super bowl!

0 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Roger Bar on 02/04/2017 at 8:41 PM

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