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Manila Community Service District Meeting Agenda

MANILA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Notice and Agenda of Regular Meeting Thursday May 16, 2013 Manila Community Center, 1611 Peninsula Drive Room I at 6:30p.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all items on the agenda are subject to action by the Board of Directors. Time specific items (if any) are noted on the applicable agenda item and will be discussed at that time or as soon after that time as practical. It is planned to record this meeting so that it is accessible by the public.


B. CONSENT CALENDAR: (Items may be pulled for future consideration) – Amendments or corrections should be received in writing prior to approval. 1. Approve Draft Minutes of April 18, 2013 2. Financial Reports (receive as presented): Monthly Bank Reconciliation Detail

C. PUBLIC INPUT / PETITIONS / ANNOUNCEMENTS The public is invited to present petitions, make announcement or provide other information to the Board that is relevant to the scope of authority of Manila CSD . The Board may uniformly impose a time limit of 3 minutes to individual presentations to assure every subject is heard. By public law, the Board cannot take action on items not on the agenda Packet

D. ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR (if any): E. REPORTS 1. Director Reports: 2. Staff Reports :

F. Presentations: None

G. Items: 1. (New Business) Receive for discussion and possible action: Consideration of Draft Resolution 2013.03 acknowledgment of Tsunami Evacuation Drill volunteers (Dengler)

2. (Old Business) Receive for discussion and possible action: Emergency Preparedness Water System Chain of Command (staff)

3. (New Business) Receive for discussion and possible action: Consideration of Draft Budget for FY 2013-2014 (Staff).



J. ADJOURNMENT: A request for disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids of services, may be made by a person with a disability, who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting, by contacting the Manila CSD General Manager at least 24 hours prior to commencement of the meeting

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