Member since Jun 4, 2012


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Re: “Knuckle Down

An fppc filing "huge" donors (lol) with occupations left blank (to be corrected with an amended filing, as already explained multiple times) is hardly "the most corrupt election in H.Co. History". Alas also makes unfounded and incorrect accusations about so-called front groups being used by the Bohn camp. They weren't used in 04 and they weren't used in this race. These are same bitter ravings made in the 2010 elections by Reinventing the Wheel, aka George Clark... did you reinvent yourself again, George?

Posted by Duh on 06/08/2012 at 10:03 PM

Re: “Picking a Bohn

Oh boo fucking hoo. Go eat your grapes, Auntie. Even though they're sour, they are sweet compared to your lame ass.

Here's hoping for a bit more even handed coverage the next time. Think we can expect that NCJ? After all, you guys are not stenographers...but that's right, you aren't unbiased journalists either, you're biased advocacy hacks.

Posted by duh on 06/06/2012 at 6:38 PM

Re: “Picking a Bohn

I love all the manufactured outrage. Excellent reporting indeed - thanksf for the laugh, Carol.

First the multi paragraph hit piece about Rex's correctible omissions on with regards to occupations with a one or two sentence mention that Mark Lovelace's reports carried the same correctible omissions - ohhhh the horror.

RexBohnGate? Not quite

What's next? May I suggest that Ryan use Heraldo as a source once again and see that Seidner has chastised supposed Bohn supporters for making comments on her facebook page?

What Oops@8:29 and many others in the ole blogosphere don't seem to realize is that the vast majority of HumCo residents don't read these local blogs - its probably no more than two-three hundred folks, tops.

In fact, a couple of years ago I spoke with someone who's company was doing outreach via the blogosphere in HumCo and the studies they did showed that it was no more than 150-200 people.

For every TRA or Mitch who LIVE here, there are thousands that don't even log in...This is clearly evidenced by the steamrollering that local progressive candidates other than PVG took in the November 2010, leading the wailing and gnashing of teeth as to how this could possibly happen by the likes of John C. Osborn and others.

Short answer is, you all live here on the NCJ blog and Heraldo, surrounded by others of like mind, with absolutely no idea what most everyone else out here in the real world thinks.

Tomorrow night will be another reality check for you, despite Ryan's best efforts.

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Posted by duh on 06/04/2012 at 8:41 PM

Re: “Picking a Bohn

Where was this invistigative journalism when Bonnie Neely did the same thing in 2010?

When Paul Gallegos did it in 2010?

Nice to see that you get your scoops from an anonymous smearblog, the flying Heraldos.

Well, we've been waiting for your "october surprise", and if THIS is all you have, well, suffice to say, pretty lame.

Yeah Yeah, I know, ya'll aren't stenographers, but ya'll sure as shit aren't unbiased journalists either.

Advocacy Hacks, NCJ is thy name.

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Posted by duh@@gmail.com on 06/04/2012 at 5:50 PM

Re: “Fill in the Blanks

how about "King" Lovelace?

See ABR, that's how ludicrous this is. They, as the fppc has already stated are fill in the bank omissions which can be corrected with amended filings, which John Fullerton is doing, as well as, I'm sure, Mark's campaign.

"Don’t let anonymous commenters or political operatives get to you." Exactly, don't let vitrolic anons like ABR spewing "king bohn" nonsense get to you.

How exactly is it a "dismissive response" when the campaign is correcting the filing?

Posted by duh on 06/01/2012 at 12:10 PM

Re: “Fill in the Blanks

Yes, Excellent biased hack job.

Listing Bohn's omissions, which, again, will be corrected, with multiple paragraphs and the hint of scandal "RexBohngate?" (really?), while framing Loveless's similar omissions in an innocent vein (which they are of course, but so are Bohn's), yeah, that's not biased.

Of course, as Carrie says, you guys aren't stenographers; but as we have all seen, you aren't journalists either, your biased advocacy hacks.

Posted by duh on 06/01/2012 at 10:30 AM

Re: “The Dem Schism Gets Real

If your campaign for city council centers around your support for a big box retail strip mall, then you're hardly a Democrat.

Posted by Duh on 05/10/2012 at 8:35 PM

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