Member since Dec 3, 2015


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Re: “To Seal and Destroy

Agreed. Can't really be considered a victory unless others continue to fight back. Here's the link to the petition that begins the process (in CA) described in the article: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://ag.ca.gov/idtheft/forms/bcii_8270.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwi-tIbNz8fJAhWHmx4KHd4kAUcQFggeMAA&usg=AFQjCNEd0VmNVgqt_89oWtR2Rmyvfr58rw

This process covers ARRESTS only. If you have been convicted, expunging that record is a separate process.

Find out from the DAs office or court clerk what your charges are. Within 2 years of your arrest, submit this form to the agency who arrested you. When they deny your petition, submit it to the court in that same jurisdiction. Be ready to be shuffled around the court; these types of cases are not priority. Push for a hearing date. Collect evidence and witness testimony. You dont necessarily need a lawyer to do this. Hopefully my lawyer and I taught the Humboldt courts about the process and it will be easier for you than it was for me. Good luck.

4 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by elise on 12/06/2015 at 8:25 AM

Re: “To Seal and Destroy

The point is that people are arrested and given false charges all the time by EPD. The point is also that EPD thinks they can get away with altering internal documents at convenience. They first falsely charged two people with battery that day, then decided to prosecute only one. EPD literally whited out charges on my arrest page and wrote in a lesser charge in order to make another person appear more guilty. The DA dropped that other case due to lack of evidence because that person was also innocent.

For one hour after my arrest (long enough to get it in the media) EPD claimed that I was arrested for battery on a PO. Then for two years they claimed I was arrested for disturbing a meeting. However, they never alerted the DA's office or the DOJ of any change in charges. This was no mistake. They wanted to punish people preemptively. People who were doing something the police simply found displeasing or annoying.

I don't assume that what people were doing on the lawn that day (making noise and voicing a differing opinion from Arkley's) was first amendment protected activity. I know it.

2 likes, 7 dislikes
Posted by elise on 12/03/2015 at 6:42 PM

Re: “To Seal and Destroy

I resent the beginning of this article Ms. Stansberry. I DID NOT know or think I was going to be arrested at that meeting, nor did I ever say that to you. I also never told you I was currently attending HSU at that time. Reporting of facts this time was almost as bad as journal coverage of the Arkley meeting itself. You totally missed the point.

2 likes, 5 dislikes
Posted by elise on 12/03/2015 at 5:55 PM

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