Garrett Snedaker 
Member since Jun 4, 2020


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Re: “Flash Fiction Returneth!

That's riveting, Mesige. And in only 60 words. Bravo!

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Posted by Garrett Snedaker on 10/09/2022 at 9:50 PM

Re: “Roe v COVID

Yes, the vaccine has been proven safe and effective. No, COVID is not the same as the flu. Talk about misinformed. Good grief. Instead of getting info from the likes of Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson, try Johns Hopkins, the CDC, the Mayo Clinic, etc. You know, actual reputable sources.

And, again, drawing an analogy to reproductive choice is just plain stupid. Abortions aren't contagious. Viruses are. Your abortion doesn't put my health at risk, but you walking around unvaccinated does. Is that really so difficult to understand?

Posted by Garrett Snedaker on 08/07/2022 at 10:07 AM

Re: “Roe v COVID

First of all, the COVID vaccine was long ago proven to be safe and effective. Secondly, please resist the urge to draw an analogy between COVID vaccination and abortion rights. It's ridiculous to compare a highly contagious virus that can make other people sick (or even kill them) to a woman's personal health choice. Critical thinking must be emphasized to a much greater degree in our schools and media, because this absurd analogizing needs to stop.

Lastly, numerous public health and safety laws (including mandatory vaccinations for kids, military personnel, etc.) have been on the books for many, many years. And almost nobody ever complains about those laws. Most of those objecting to the COVID vaccination (which has not been mandated nearly to the extent that, say, childhood vaccinations are) do so for purely political reasons. The likes of Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson (both undoubtedly fully vaccinated) put forth bad faith arguments for the purpose of dividing and conquering. They don't believe their own nonsense. Not. For. A. Minute. Period.

6 likes, 14 dislikes
Posted by Garrett Snedaker on 07/14/2022 at 2:10 PM

Re: “Public Health Reports Four More COVID-19 Deaths

I'm fairly confident that pretty much everyone already recognizes this, but just in case, the troll who goes by America First is full of crap. Every claim they make has been debunked repeatedly. For instance:…

The overwhelming medical consensus is that the vaccine is both safe and effective, and that you should get it even if you've been previously infected and recovered (it's not known how long natural immunity will last). If you're vaccinated and do happen to suffer a breakthrough case, you are much more likely to survive. We've long had public health and safety laws on the books, including mandatory vaccinations and mandatory articles of clothing. Hardly anyone questions those laws, which is why they're so effective. The only reason this particular vaccine is being questioned is because the pandemic was politicized right from the start. Trump and the GOP downplayed it for fear it would hurt re-election odds. As a result, those who are unvaccinated and those who are dying are disproportionately from areas that Trump won. It turns out a virus really doesn't care about one's political affiliation. Imagine that.

7 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Garrett Snedaker on 10/08/2021 at 9:12 PM

Re: “Failing the Test

There have long been public health and safety laws on the books, including mandatory vaccinations and articles of clothing. And hardly anybody questions those laws, which is why they're so effective. But in this age of the Internet and 24-hour cable "news," misinformation spreads like...well, like a virus. Not to mention the decision by Trump and Republicans to downplay the pandemic right from the start, for political purposes. Tens of millions of Americans subscribe to utter nonsense. We're in deep, deep trouble.

14 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Garrett Snedaker on 09/04/2021 at 2:30 PM

Re: “Against my RIghts!

That's a good analogy. Both have to do with public health and safety.

Most of the people opposed to getting the vaccine seem to be arguing (falsely) that COVID isn't really that serious (no worse than the flu) or they promote some debunked conspiracy about the vaccine itself. I don't hear many arguing from a "personal freedom" standpoint, but even that argument would be silly. It'd be like arguing that one shouldn't have to stop at red lights because it infringes upon their freedom. We really are all in this together, and it's irresponsible to not get vaccinated if you are eligible and don't have a valid medical reason to not get vaccinated.

2 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Garrett Snedaker on 08/08/2021 at 3:13 PM

Re: “Bohn Tests Positive for COVID-19, Feels 'Fine'

Bohn is feeling fine and protected precisely because of the vaccine, and I've never heard a single person claim that everyone who gets COVID dies. But feel free to keep building straw men, "America First."

2 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Garrett Snedaker on 08/08/2021 at 3:06 PM

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