Harry Schoger 
Member since Nov 7, 2018


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Re: “McKinley Statue Debate Making the Media Rounds

People have nothing better to do than to worry about a historic monument that has been in place and not menacing anybody for 113 years? Egad! The rivalry of the white man and native Americans began long before Manifest Destiny was even a concept. My forebears fought Native Americans while protecting their homes in the Shenandoah Valley in the pre-Revolutionary War era in the 18th century. Atrocities were committed equally on both sides. Nobody ever says anything about Indian atrocities.

The concept called Manifest Destiny was not coined until 1845. The country was a split as badly as it is today over Trump by that term. At least half, if not more, of the populous did not believe in it.

By McKinleys time Manifest Destiny had already played out on The North American continent. The US and its three remaining territories, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona, already stretched from sea to shining sea. McKinleys only involvement with Manifest Destiny was with respect to the Philippines and Hawaii, where no Native Americans lived. California had already been a state since 1850. California Native Americans were never put upon by McKinleys advancement of Manifest Destiny.

People today lament the bad card history, namely white men, dealt them. I never hear African-Americans decry the Muslims that bought them into slavery starting in the 7th century AD and which continues to this day in Mauritania and Sudan. They never decry the rich Africans that sold them. People living today did not participate in the deeds of yesterday. You cannot exact reparations from history. There is not enough money in the world to pay back to all that were ever ill-treated by history. Mans inhumanity to man goes back at least 67,000 years. We need to learn from real history and resolve to move on, adjusting our compass accordingly. If we can eradicate mans inhumanity to man, God bless us. Tearing down monuments will not get us to the promised land.

Posted by Harry Schoger on 11/07/2018 at 3:38 PM

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