Wednesday, June 13, 2018

State-Splitting Initiative Qualifies for November Ballot

Posted By on Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:45 PM

click to enlarge Are voters ready for a three-state solutions to California? - BALLOTPEDIA
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  • Are voters ready for a three-state solutions to California?

An initiative to split California into three states has gathered enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot, according to multiple news reports.

Known as the “Cal 3 Initiative,” the measure is being bankrolled by Bay Area venture capitalist Tim Draper and would create three states: “California,” which would stretch along the coast from Los Angeles to Monterey; “Southern California,” which would include San Diego and the inland portion of the state north to Madera County; and “Northern California,” which would include everything north of Santa Cruz, including the San Francisco Bay Area and, of course, Humboldt County.

The measure gathered 365,880 valid signatures, according to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle, and was signed off on yesterday by the Secretary of State’s Office.

Even if passed by voters in November, the measure would need to be signed off on by the state Legislature and then approved by Congress. (It’s worth noting the last time Congress approved such a split was 155 years ago when during the Civil War it allowed West Virginia to split from Virginia.)

While Draper and supporters argue that three-state plan would result in more responsive state governments, critics say it would do little to improve Californians’ everyday lives and would come with a litany of complications, including how to divvy up state infrastructure, state employees, the state and university systems, and California’s large prison population.

Former Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez is helming NoCABreakup, a group readying to battle the proposition.

Should be an interesting election season.
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Thadeus Greenson

Thadeus Greenson is the news editor of the North Coast Journal.

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