Friday, December 20, 2013
Humboldt Baykeeper Lands New Digs at The Link in Arcata
By Ryan Burns
on Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 10:02 AM
click to enlarge Local environmental nonprofit
Humboldt Baykeeper, which
has fallen on tough times financially this year, has found a new home inside "
The Link" office building in Arcata (formerly home to Yakima). As the logo collage above attests, The Link has become a hip HQ for local leftie causes and small businesses.
Here's the press release:
Effective Jan. 1, 2014, Humboldt Baykeeper will be joining our colleagues at the Link in Arcata:
1385 Eighth Street, Suite 228, Arcata, CA 95521 (in the old Yakima Building)
Stay tuned for 2014 to ring in change and opportunity as we restructure and refocus on the essential work of protecting Humboldt Bay!
Thanks to the Northcoast Environmental Center, Friends of the Eel River, Arcata Technology Center Partners, and individual donors who made this move possible.
If you've already donated to our annual fund appeal, thank you for your support to work on upcoming issues, including:
Dec. 31 - Jan. 2: King Tide Photo Initiative , a volunteer effort to document the highest tide of the year in areas at risk from sea level rise;
Jan. 6 - Appeal of the Halvorsen quarry permit on Rocky Gulch, a coho-bearing stream in the Indianola area;
Billboard removal on the 101 Corridor between Arcata and Eureka; and many other issues affecting Humboldt Bay and its tributaries.
Thanks to our many supporters and volunteers — we couldn't do it without you!
Jennifer Kalt, Policy Director
Humboldt Baykeeper
Tags: Humboldt Baykeeper, The Link, environment, nonprofits, Image