Damned roads. Damned broken railroad. Damned housing plan. Damned permitting process. Damned codes. Damned new ordinances. Damned cuts.
Hey, quit complaining -- you elected those county supervisors, now tell them what you want them to do. Can't make it to the courthouse on Tuesdays to weigh in on decisions in person at the board meetings? Can make it but don't want to burn up gas traveling in from the sticks?
That's all very sad, you know, but now many more of you have fewer such excuses: The county has opened an online forum where citizens can talk about the topics troubling them. Says a county news release:
County staff will read the statements from citizens and incorporate them into the decision-making process. Further, the County aims to empower citizens by providing them information on issues to enrich online comment and to provide more opportunities for citizen interaction and engagement.
It's called Open Humboldt. And the first topic of discussion opens with this question: "How would you prioritize the County's budget in fiscal year 2013-14?"
The responses are coming in -- 35 last we checked, but more being added fast. People are talking about crime, wages, business development, first-home buyer programs and more.
The forum was developed by Peak Democracy, a non-partisan company from the Bay Area.