Good news, Eurekans! You've got a bunch of new stuff to look at.
As they tend to do about once a year or so, the City of Eureka and the Redwood Art Association have swapped out the public art pieces that adorn the edges of the C Street Market Square for new eye grabbers. Unlike recent year's collections, this year they've decided bestow the honor of artistically representing Eureka to just one dude, retired Humboldt State University art professor Mort Scott.
In a press release sent out by Eureka Main Street to promote an opening reception for Mort at this Saturday's Arts Alive, Scott describes his art:
“My art has always been influenced by my surroundings and my environment. My work addresses fishing, logging, earthquakes, casinos, landslides, flooding, friends, and other natural activities that affect my world.”
Sure, we could have waited for Saturday, but the Journal offices are just too close and this October weather is just too nice for us to not walk on down there. Thus, here's your preview (click 'em to big 'em):
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