Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Music Tonight: Wednesday, Jan. 25
By Collin Yeo
on Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 4:00 AM
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- AJ Lee & BlueSummit
Singer, songwriter and mandolin player AJ Lee fronts (what else?)
AJ Lee & Blue Summit, a bluegrass band that has spent the time since its inception in 2015 building up a fanbase, first in Santa Cruz and the Bay Area, and onto the world of international touring. I can certainly see why the group has been growing its profile so successfully, as the sound is accessible, with well-crafted songs that are not bogged down by the less desirable (for casual listeners) of bluegrass: There is very little in the way of fiery twang and fingerpicking excess. Melody, harmony and songcraft are the main engines here. See for yourself tonight at
7:30 p.m. at the
Old Steeple, my favorite cemetery- adjacent venue since I left New Orleans ($30, $25 advance).
Tags: AJ Lee & Blue Summit, the Old Steeple, Image