No Age, a Los Angeles punk outfit on Drag City Records, plays the Outer Space tonight at 7 p.m. ($10). "Dream punk" tour buddies Flesh World from San Francisco, featuring members from Brilliant Colors and Limp Wrist, sit mid-lineup, while Arcata's own punk darling Grocery Outlit provide a little local flavor. This should be a nice jump up and down diversion.
Cuco is the stage name of 18-year-old Omar Banos, a mixtape-making musical wunderkind whose 2016 album "Wannabewithu" put him on the map as a uniquely talented multi-instrumentalist. He plays the Kate Buchanan room tonight at 9 p.m. as a special treat for the kiddies and also undoubtedly as an artifact of precociousness designed to make the rest of us feel so very old and useless ($10).